Proof of Benefit of Robot-assisted Surgery Still Lacks Data

 Problems related to the use of da Vinci surgical robots during major surgery has increased putting the machine under inquiry of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the popularity of such surgical operations heightens, medical industry observers say. The use of these modern innovations of medicine is surrounded by controversy as claims of benefits are said to be exaggerated by manufacturers surface, according to an online report published in the USA Today. Websites of certain hospitals have already assimilated these types of surgery as part of the services they offer, although critics have pointed out that there are some that leave out the risks.


Many health experts believe that robots form part of the future of surgical procedures but the technology is still developing and may possibly have some errors while it is being developed. The use of robots has greatly evolved from the simple laparoscopic device to a machine capable of following complicated commands. Continuous research for the development of robots and its enhancement are being made to ensure that these machines are feasible for use in different forms of surgical procedure. The risks and benefits of employing these machines in surgical procedures have been identified by surgical experts. In fact, this prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue an advisory informing patients and healthcare providers of the possible complications resulting from the use of robotic surgery. Unaware patients became victims experiencing minor to serious health problems. Getting a settlement through a da Vinci robot lawsuit may need the assistance of a competent and experienced lawyer.


The possibilities in performing complicated surgeries are expanding because of robotic surgery, although there is a need for trials and evaluations to ensure patient safety, according to a review published online in the Annals of Surgery. The authors of the review entitled “Robotic Surgery: A Current Perspective” are from the College of Medicine and Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Drexel University, Philadelphia. There is lesser blood loss, smaller incision with better visualization and steady movements from the machine. There is about one in every four hospitals across the United States who is now using a da Vinci Surgical System.


The lack of hand-eye coordination when using the robot may also be a problem, critics say. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the da Vinci Surgical System as the first robot used in soft tissues, according to the online article from CNBC, but reports are coming in that there have been 85 deaths linked to its use since it was approved in the year 2000. The risks may be the same as that of traditionally-performed surgical procedures but the problems with these robotic surgeries may have been underreported because of the eagerness to use the technology.

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